Insights on Older Men’s Needs: What Do They Want?

Is Dating Harder for Older Women?
Whether you are a man or a woman, dating becomes more and more difficult as you get older. But it is especially difficult for women seeking older men. Do you know why? Simply because women tend to live longer than men.
Consequently, when you reach a certain age, there will be more women than men. Indeed, when you are 60 years old, the ratio man/woman starts decreasing. And the older you get, the worse it will be. But don’t worry, it does not mean that you don’t stand a chance! Actually, the number of divorces is constantly increasing for seniors, so there are more single men than ever currently! Also, you don’t have to go out with someone who has the same age as you: you can date someone who is ten years younger than you if you want! Of course, there are still other obstacles that you will have to face:
- Your social circle is getting smaller
- Your energy level is decreasing, etc.
- Some women are afraid they might be judged if they start approaching mature men.
But if you overcome this fear of judgment, you will see that women looking for older men can be successful quite easily!
What Is Stopping You from Finding the Right Partner?
There are a lot of great men out there who are single and who are ready to start a relationship with a mature woman. So why do you have a hard time finding someone? Is it because after a certain age, you are not attractive enough? Of course not! If you exercise regularly and if you stay in shape, you can be very attractive to the typical 50 years older man. Is it because of older men like younger spirits and younger mentalities? Wrong again!
Seniors are looking for people who are mature and experienced. So what is keeping you from meeting the right person? Well, have you ever considered the fact that the burden of your past might be your biggest enemy? Indeed, when you reach a certain age, you automatically had various important relationships. And of course, every relationship comes with a lot of painful memories, a lot of traumas, a lot of emotional injuries, and a lot of disillusions. In a lot of cases, this huge burden can prevent you from going forward!
Consequently, it would help if you worked on yourself to deal with your past: you have to learn how to let it go. Do you have trouble trusting because of one of your previous relationship? Are you afraid of commitment because some people have let you down in the past? Are you afraid of losing someone dear again? You should work on all these fears to be ready for a new relationship.
What Are Older Men Looking for in a Relationship?

A lot of women tend to think that older men are only interested in younger women. But when you really analyze deeply what they are looking for in a relationship, it turns out that age is not the most important element! If you want to understand what they want, you have to put yourself in their shoes: how is a 70-year-old man thinking? Well, if you put yourself in an older man’s shoes, it is easy to understand why they like younger women.
Indeed, after spending their whole life trying to please one or several women, they have the feeling that they don’t get enough recognition for their hard work. Indeed, they had to build a career, build a family, build a home, etc. And nobody seems impressed with what they achieved: their wives are constantly complaining, their children don’t seem so grateful, etc. In other words, they feel like they have been mistreated all their lives and that nobody was able to acknowledge all the efforts they had to make.
Consequently, when they meet a younger woman, they are in heaven: finally, someone who is impressed by their financial situation, by their knowledge, by their mature mindset, and by their incredible experience! Finally, someone who is in total admiration when they tell old adventures! This is what older men really need at the end of the day: they want someone who will make them feel like they are the king of the world! So if you want to seduce a mature man, you should cultivate your ability to show admiration, to compliment, and marvel at their accomplishment.

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